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Airhaven (/'ɛrheɪvən/) is a town nestled in the tranquil Hollow Hills of the -,+. It includes a single capital city of the same name, split into five indistinct districts. Airhaven covers an area of almost 250,000 square metres and has a cold mountain climate. The nation has one land border with [[Resimare]] and two water borders with [[Falstadt]] and [[Stonewall]]. With 3 inhabitants, the civilisation is close to being a one man nation in several regards and is mostly treated as such.
The lands of Airhaven remained uninhabited until settled in late 2017. Evidence of only one other attempt to settle the land had been found in what is now Ravinetown. The island was mostly undocumented before settling; only after its coasts were mapped was it claimed by Vale. As Vale fell into inactivity, Airhaven moved allegiances but pledged its own values more than any labels. This is also evident by Airhaven's absence from both the Western and Northern Alliance, although it is a member nation of the Order of the White Lotus.
A stone's throw from the bustling metropolises of [[Falstadt]] and [[Yoahtl]], the snow-dusted valleys provide a sanctuary for all players where violence is heavily discouraged and bounty hunting is illegal. The expansive hollow hills underneath provide opportunities for mob hunters, while small farms and abundant spruce growth allow for more passive farming to take place. Despite this, its primary export is its tourism.
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The name Airhaven comes from two sources; Firstly, the ''Mortal Engines'' series by Phillip Reeve contains a fictional town of the same name which is suspended in the air by large balloons, and serves as a refuge from the war-torn ground below for anyone who can fly there in airships. The second source of Airhaven's name is a play on a translation of the German word for Airport, ''Flughafen'', which literally means Flighthaven. Thus, Airhaven can be seen as a portmanteau between Airport and Flughafen.
This simple but descriptive theme continues to the names of districts, such as Ravinetown and Underhill.
== History ==
Airhaven has had a thankfully peaceful history, with close to no dramas or issues with neighbouring nations. Although young when compared to larger nations, it is comparatively older for a one-man nation, having been active since late 2017.
=== Foundation ===
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{{Quote frame|Don't get me wrong, Frostrock is full of good people. <br>But my initial ideas from day 1 had been so drastically altered <br>I felt I had no choice but to leave. <br>I'm sorry it was so abrupt. |RekTangle||June 2017, on leaving Lotus}}
After the adoption of [[Lotus]] by [[Impasse]], RektTangle left the -,- for [[Commonwealth]]. Soon finding the bustling city life to be to his distaste, he moved south to [[Vale]], where he started a building project that had been on his mind for months. He founded Airhaven on the least valuable land he could find: firstly, hollow hills meant that no mining could occur under Airhaven. The biome was Extreme Hills, a barren land fraught with peaks and ravines, suchand it follows that farming wasprospects were very limited. As such, the only value the land had was for buildings upon it- which was exactly what RektTangle aspired to do.
The first building erected in what is now central Airhaven was the Air Traffic Control (ATC) tower. However, before this, Ravinetown was homesteaded with a small house and two 'beacons' atop the towers, together with the Eight Gates surrounding Airhaven's borders. These were to mark the presence of settlement of the land before the central town was laid out.
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[[File:AirhavenFounding.png|thumb|centre|540px270px|Airhaven shortly after founding.]]
=== Secession of land to Resimare ===
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=== Independence ===
Initially, the land was first registered as a district of Vale, but as activity declined, RektTangle moved to Falstadt and placed the area under its protection towards the end of 2017. Now the land is in a limbo state; it is mostly independent but the lead Shambali is still a dual citizen with Falstadt and frequently travels there to help with projects. Despite this, Airhaven does not inherit several of Falstadt's laws, such as players barred from entering.
== Geography ==
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{{Quote frame|I chose that island because it's utterly worthless. <br>There's nothing there. <br>So I'm going to make it worth something.|RektTangle||November 2017, on settling Airhaven}}
The city of Airhaven rests on a hilly plateau approximately 25 blocks above sea level, with additional variations in terrain stretching up past y=150 in some places. The mountains and valleys alike are considered sacred, and terraforming more than 0.1 blocks per metre squared to build is illegal. As such, the roads in Airhaven closely follow the hills. Estimates from Airhaven's land area lie between 240,000 and 260,000 square blocks.
<li style="display: inline-block;"> [[File:AirhavenGeography1.png|thumb|none|540px270px|An example of a mountain rising above a valley near Ravinetown.]] </li>
<li style="display: inline-block;"> [[File:AirhavenGeography1.png|thumb|none|540px|An example of a mountain rising above a valley near Ravinetown.]] </li>
Natural liquid in Airhaven is limited to lava and water lakes. However, as the town expands it is introducing areas of water, mostly for aesthetic purposes.
<li style="display: inline-block;"> [[File:AirhavenGeography2.png|thumb|none|540px|An example of a road following the slope of the land near the Underhill.]] </li>
[[Resimare]]'s canopy forest district, Eichenfeld, lies to the south, the border being the line between the two biomes. [[Falstadt]] lies across the channel to the east, past the ice mountains on both sides of the river. The inactive nation [[Stonewall]] owns the islands to the north of Airhaven, with [[Yoahtl]] lying across the sea even further north.
<li style="display: inline-block;"> [[File:AirhavenGeography2.png|thumb|none|540px270px|An example of a road following the slope of the land near the Underhill.]] </li>
=== Climate ===
Being on an extreme hill, everywhere below y=95 is snowless and experiences rainfall, and, starting in patches, blocks above have snowfall. This causes a curious effect where the road and objects at street level are dry but the roofs of houses are covered in snow. This is also prominent in the water in Airhaven. For example, the Jade Garden's lake is liquid enough to boat on, but the waterfall's spring is frozen at the surface, providing an oppurtunity for ice farming together with traditional farming.
=== Flora ===
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Natural trees that generated on Airhaven include Oaks, Giant Birches, and the rare Giant Oaks. Introduced trees include Spruces, Giant Spruces, Sakura, and a custom-bred tree known as Dwarf Pine. At its foothills, in Eichenfeld, Canopy Oaks grow. Giant Oaks are protected and harvesting them is a serious offense in Airhaven.
[[File:AirhavenGreatOak.png|540px|thumb|center|One of the protected Great Oaks, by the ATC.]]
=== Underground ===
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Airhaven sits on a Hollow Hill, which, as the name suggests, has stone replaced by air between the y levels of 40 and 4. There is a layer of dirt on the floor up to 3 blocks thick, and flowers can be spotted growing in the dark. The underground is almost entirely unlit, is highly dangerous and it is not recommended to leave the safety of the paths without proper preparation.
[[File:AirhavenUnderground.png|540px|thumb|center|The path underground to Airhaven. The [[HITS]] can be seen in the background.]]
=== City ===
Currently, 5% of Airhaven is urbanised, 35% of which belongs to parks and protected areas. The urban layout of Airhaven is centred around the central Air Traffic Control (ATC) tower. 5 districts, not including the Underground, make up the surface town of Airhaven that spans the entire nation.
== Politics ==
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[[File:AirhavenMarch.png|thumb|centre|540px|Airhaven, March 2018.]]
== Infrastructure ==
=== Transport ===
=== Public Access ===
== Culture ==