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== History ==
The Aganist belief begun in September 2021 when Chancellor IceBoy made a journey a round the former Benistan continent to explore the surrounding city's and country's, and the land of Nya-Äggland that at the time stretched from Westdale to the former Nazi Castle. When he came across the ancient Äggish city of Tau'rynn (Väder in Äggish) he heard a voice. A voice that told him to establish Aganism and what it should be about. Therefore Tau'rynn is a holy place for Aganists. IceBoy returned home and established his belief in Äggland. Aganists belive that Agania is a godess.
== Administration ==
The Aganists have three levels of administration, The Highest Krans, The Lower Krans and The Brons Krans all are councils.
The Highest Krans is made up of the people of the church and is lead by the King of Aganists, the leader of the entire aganist faith who sha'll show Aganists the way of Agania. The Highest Krans decide on things that are big for all Aganists, but not political often. For example it can be the choice of building a new church or make someone a Tar. The Krans was started when the Dasiks appointed their King.
The Lower Krans is made up of political leaders of Aganist countries and they decide on political things regarding Aganism, for example to sanction a countrie who has done something bad to the Aganian faith or the people of Agania. The Krans was started after Agania gave her 13 white doves to the early Äggish Kings.
The last Krans is the Brons Kranses (Bronze Krans because most of the peasants stuff was made of Bronze), also called the Bona Kranses (Peasants/Farmers Krans) is many Kranses made up of normal Aganist people. Each nisja or monastery has their own Brons Krans that is made up of the local Aganists. Once a year all members of the Brons Kranses meet at the stone of Hjelas to discuss about things that touches all of them. All Brons Kranses come to this meeting called the Brons Ting. The Brons Ting is one of the biggest holidays within Aganist faith. The Krans was started by peasants in Väder to discuss local things and talk about their Aganist faith together.
Krans means council and circle and orginially comes from the First Highest Krans in Tarland. In Tarland there was a perfect circles of flowers in the middle of the plain that never seemed to die. Here the First Highest Krans would always meet to discuss.
== Belief ==