2023 Danzilonan coup d'état attempt: Difference between revisions

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The '''2023 Danzilonan coup d'état attempt''', also known as the '''Socialist Unity Coalition coup d'état''' or '''Operation Resurgo''', was a coup attempt that took place in [[Free Workers' Cooperative of Danzilona|Danzilona]] between 5 and 6 March 2023 on [[CivMC]]. It started in the UTC morning hours of 5 March 2023 when the [[Socialist Unity Coalition]], headed by [[Des23]], [[SandFalls]] and [[Red_Steel]], announced the completion of 'Operation Resurgo' which put a Socialist Unity Coalition junta into power<ref>[https://old.reddit.com/r/Danzilona/comments/11it4ko/operation_resurgo_is_complete_a_new_temporary/? https://old.reddit.com/r/Danzilona/comments/11it4ko/operation_resurgo_is_complete_a_new_temporary/?]</ref> and started the process of reform within Danzilona in line with the [https://docs.google.com/document/d/1536bC3PGR3akBuoSlHvbFyYEHRyQbAm_5W0ZolSCIpk/edit SUC Manifesto]. The SUC Manifesto imposed the expulsion of most of [[New Swisston]] and its leader, [[Lone22wolf]], from Danzilona, annulled the [[Concordat between the Church of Ranubis and the Free Danzilonan Republic|concordat between Danzilona and the Church of Ranubis]], introduced a new citizenship system, nationalized most infrastructure in Danzilona and introduced the position of Chairperson as an executive position. Despite initial success, the junta failed to secure the support of the Danzilonan public and was officially overthrown on 6 March 2023 after an announcement by [[Azelair]]<ref>https://old.reddit.com/r/Danzilona/comments/11kddxs/a_united_fwc_danzilona/</ref>.
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